Latest Past Events

Visiting Model: Lily

*** THIS EVENT WILL HAVE NUDITY *** Lily is a popular European model traveling across the US, so we teamed up to set up this event as the group gets active again. We have had her for an event years ago. Lily ( is a very experienced model, has a great look, and is energetic. […]

$75.00 – $125.00

Visiting Model: Lumen Foxx

Visual Approach Studios 12060 NW 24th ST, Plantation

*** THIS EVENT WILL HAVE NUDITY *** Lumen Foxx is a popular traveling model across the US, so we teamed up to set up this event as the event that gets this group restarted! Yes, it is high time for our group to get active again. Lumen ( brings with her her love for dance, […]

$75.00 – $160.00

Test Event – Design Assistance Only

Visual Approach Studios 12060 NW 24th ST, Plantation

This event is just another event to populate website to aide in the design phase.
